Rimini is obviously known for its fine beaches and summer sunshine – but occasionally, like anywhere, you can get caught out with a rainy day (most likely at the start and end of the summer season). Never fear – there’s plenty of great things to do in and around Rimini when it’s rainy and lounging on the beach isn’t an option. Here are some suggestions as to what to do when it’s rainy in Rimini.
visit some of Rimini’s Museums
Rimini has plenty of history and culture a stone’s throw away from the seafront. Head into the beautiful town centre, and within a couple of minutes walk of both Piazza Tre Martiri and Piazza Cavour you can visit the city museum, the Gambalunga library, and the very impressive Domus del Chirugo visitor’s centre. There’s plenty to keep you occupied for a couple of hours in the city’s historic town centre.
Take a daytrip inland
Bologna is just one of the beautiful cities easily reached in Emilia-Romagna
Rimini is surrounded by beautiful and fascinating towns, and not just towns – there’s also the tiny mountain republic of San Marino just 40 minutes away. You can take a trip to the mysterious Papal fortress town of San Leo, or venture further afield to Bologna (1hr 20mins by train). Rather than choose just one destination you can drive through the hills to visit beautiful hill top towns that rival anything Tuscanny has to offer.
Sit back and have a great lunch
Food is such a huge part of Italian and Romagnolo culture, and there’s no better way to appreciate it than sitting back and having a long leisurely lunch – you’re on holidays after all, right! Go for the full shebang and order antipasti, primi, secondi and dolce. Rimini’s restaurants are second to none. Try a hearty brodetto di pesce (fish soup) or a juicy grigliatta mista (mixed grill); sample some formaggio di fossa and/or fresh piadina; wash it all down with a glass of local sangiovese wine, and before you know it the rainy blues will be a distant memory!
Visit one of Emilia-Romagna’s Amusement Parks
Here you’re spoiled for choice, as Rimini has several world-class amusement parks and attractions nearby. For example, you can go to nearby Cattolica’s huge and fascinating Aquarium. It’s housed in a 1930’s structure which is in itself well worth seeing. Inside the ship-like buildings, you’ll find a whole marine world (including sharks!) to explore. An unforgettable experience.
Go Shopping
Whether it’s designer gear, souvenirs, fashion or food/wine Rimini is a great place for bargains, and a rainy day is the perfect time to dedicate to a bit of shopping. There are lots of choices, ranging from the historic town centre (Piazza Tre Martiri and the Corso d’Agosto are a good place to start), through to the big shopping centres like Le Befane and the Malatesta; there are both Ikea and Mercatone Uno superstores where you could spend an entire day browsing, or even a trip out of town towards the fashion outlets that line the road to San Marino.
These are just some of your options if you’re hit by one of those rare rainy days in Rimini!