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The Piadina Romagnola gets European Recognition

It’s official – the Piadina Romagnola / Piada Romagnola has been awarded the Protected Geographical Indication (IGP in Italian) mark by the European Union.

The Piada now gets an official European description:

The name ‘Piadina Romagnola’/‘Piada Romagnola’ refers to the bakery product obtained from the preparation, and subsequent cooking on a flat pan, of a dough made of flour, fat, salt and various optional ingredients.
When released for consumption, it is disc-shaped and ivory-white in colour with distinctive amber-coloured markings of various sizes and shades on both sides. It has a fragrant flavour and a distinctive smell reminiscent of freshly baked bread.
The distinguishing physical characteristics of ‘Piadina Romagnola’/‘Piada Romagnola’ are:
shape: roundish

diameter from 15 cm to 25 cm, and from 23 cm to 30 cm for the Rimini variety;

between 4 mm and 8 mm thick, but only up to 3 mm thick for the Rimini variety;
outer appearance: the surface is rough and irregular, with amber-coloured markings or blisters of various sizes owing to the cooking process;
organoleptic characteristics: fragrant flavour and a distinctive smell similar to that of freshly baked bread.

This is great news for local producers in the areas outlined in the registration:

the area in which ‘Piadina Romagnola’/‘Piada Romagnola’ may be produced and packaged is the historical territory of Romagna, and more precisely the entire territory of the Provinces of Rimini, Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna and the following municipalities of the Province of Bologna: Borgo Tossignano, Casalfiumanese, Castel del Rio, Castel Guelfo, Castel San Pietro, Dozza, Fontanelice, Imola, Mordano.