Visit Rimini

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Rimini’s Public Transport

The public transport system in Rimini is run by START Romagna, an amalgamation of a number of former transport companies including (AM – Agenzia Mobilità) (formerly known as TRAM). There is a ticket office/ customer service point in Via Dante, just a couple of paces from the entrance to Rimini’s train station.

Because the transport system is subject to change, along with ticket-prices, please use this page as a basic guide. We try to keep it updated and correct, but for full information you can check on the Start Romagna site.


where to buy them

Tickets are obligatory for all buses – surprise, surprise! They should be purchased, in advance, from an AM ticket point (for example in Via Dante), or in any shop/bar that displays the ‘bus ticket’ sticker. In practice this means most Tabacchi and many bars. You may find that shops sell the tickets without displaying the sticker, so it’s always worth asking. To ask in Italian : Posso comprare un biglietto/ biglietti per l’autobus qui? – Can I buy a ticket/tickets for the bus here?.

Some of the locations where you can purchase rimini bus tickets

According to Start Romagna’s official information, tickets can also be purchased on board buses (in the Rimini area) with an automated machine, but for an increased price. The best advice is to buy a couple of tickets in advance at the start of your stay, and carry them with you.

How to use them & Cost

rimini-bus-ticket-zoneOnce you have a ticket, you have to make sure that you validate it at the start of your journey. There are machines on board the buses, and often at the bus stops as well. Insert your ticket into the machine, and it will be stamped with a date/time. Without this stamp, your ticket is not valid, and should a ticket inspector come onboard you’ll be subject to a fine.

This new integrated transport system in Romagna means that tickets are purchased based on the amount of zones you’re going to traverse. A basic ticket in Rimini costs (at the time of writing – October 2014) €1.30 and is valid for an hour. If you’re going further afield, you’ll need to work out how many zones you’re going to need.


We’ve gathered together here some of the most used routes, both within the Rimini urban area, and outside. We list a destination, and then the AM bus number that will get you there.

Also, throughout we include ‘how to get there’ info where appropriate for monuments/destinations, including the bus route details.

Rimini Urban Area Routes

  • The Train Station

    Most routes include the train station, for example Buses #1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 18 & 19

  • Arco D’Augusto [Augustus Arch]

    Buses #1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 19, 21

  • Rimini Hospital
    Buses # 8, 9, 18, 19, 124, 175
  • Piazza Fellini / The Grand Hotel

    Buses #

  • The Aviation Park

    Bus # 7

  • Italia in Miniatura theme park

    Bus # 8

  • Rimini Stadium

    Bus # 9

  • Airport Federico Fellini

    Bus # 9

  • Marino Centro

    Buses # 2, 11, 18, 19, 170

  • Bellaria

    Bus # 4B, 4

  • Fiera Rimini Trade Fare

    Buses # 5, 9, 10

  • Piazza Ferrari (for Piazza Ferrari & Piazza Tre Martiri)

    Buses #1,

  • Piazzale Gramsi (Food market)

    Buses #1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8

Routes outside the Rimini Urban Area

  • Riccone (Train Station)

    Buses # 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 124

  • Sant Arcangelo (Train Station)

    Buses # 9, 31, 90, 114, 164, 169

  • San Marino

    Bus # 114

  • San Leo

    Bus # 165

  • Saludeccio

    Bus # 175

  • San Patrignano (bivio)

    Bus # 33

  • Cattolica (Autostazione)

    Buses # 125, 134, 175

  • Montegridolfo

    Bus # 175

  • Pennabilli

    Bus # 161

  • Gabbice (Mare)

    Buses #134, 175

  • Misano (Municipio)

    Bus # 134

  • Verucchio (Piazza Malatesta)

    Buses # 160, 164

The Blue Line

During the summer months a special series of night time buses are in operation – The Blue Line, which run along the most popular stretches of nightlife along the Adriatic riviera. You can go clubbing all along the coast, and inland, and catch the bus home afterwards

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